"finally i see the birth of r.p."

The other day I had a conference with Doris. The conference was mainly about any problems I might encounter with papers. I was a bit scared to have a conference with Doris. Coz, I was not yet ready to present any workable R.P. outline. However, I was not confident I could hand in it by next Tue. I decided to call for help...
I don't really know it if was becoz Doris was really nice and patient or what. I was really able to just blur out whatever troubled me. EVERYTHING. There I was sharing any ideas that ever crossed my mind. Alright..."Here we go" I thought. Well... actually it was a bit embarrassing to share the ideas for some of them r stupid...but then i thought if I wanna get some help, I have to share what's in my mind first. There we go...Animal testing, Insaurance, traveling the world (It's too subjective later we found.) Then we talked about Rap Music.
Rap music...what about it? Well...It's not like everyone can accept this kind of music and I don't really think there's a kind of music that could be accepted by everyone in the world. So, maybe it's good to defend for Rap music. Rap music's lyrics are always considered "nasty". However, why can't they share their opinions freely in the song. Besides, there are some lyrics of the Rap music r considered positive (e.g. Where's the love/Black Eyed Peas)
Course these r just part of reasons I may put in the paper.
The point is...what troubled me before was that I couldn't really narrow the topic I was interested in down to any arguments. And even if i could, the argument seemed meaningless or more like an option. Through the Conference with Doris, I think the important thing I learned was that I have to offer something to the reader. The paper shouldn't be meaningless. There should be a reason for the reader to read my paper. Ironically, who doesn't know this ? It's just so hard to relate something u're interested in to some meaningful points. (it turned out that all i'm interested in were meaningless!GEE!)
I didn't mean to say so much originally...but I guess that's that...Anyways, that's probably all about Bella Says tonight. Congrats to my R.P. baby! N big thanx to "Small Doris" (don't wanna give the credits to the wrong person haha)
Can I be ur baby's Godmother?
Dear Bella,
Have you fed the little baby yet?
Dear Bella,
Good you have posted your previous ideas. How about your revised outline?
List the possible articles for your article review.
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