DESIGNER BABIES human right vs. human nature

I chose the topic -- Designer Babies as my R.P. topic this time. Ummm...what does designer babies means anyways? Some of you might have this question (tho I told u guys in the class) I got this whole designer baby idea outa a book called "My Sister's Keeper" which you probably might hear about it before since it's a bestseller in many famous bookstores now. Anyways, in the book, there's this girl who sufferes form leukemia and was told that there's no effective medicine currently. As you can easily imagine, the parents would never accept this kind of explanation. They then
turned to the geneticists for help. Basically the idea was to choose a perfect-mateched donor for the sick baby. Yes, the technology has become so advanced we didn't even notice. We can choose which embryo we want before we put it into the womb. That's where the designer idea came from.

But then, tho the idea sounds so cool and helpful, what we can't deny is that we actually treat children as a cure. We somehow treat them as commodities. Many people now discussing many ethical problems designer babies might cause. Not to mention that there are also some risks during the process or even the outcome, then, who's gonna be responsible for all that? Not me!
Therefore, in my research paper, I'll try to argue that we should not legalize this "technique".and the reasons varied. It could be the risks, the ethical problems as long as the child's psychology. Nobody cares about what the designer baby thinks. He/ She was made to save his/her sibling's life. In another word, they were made out of a purpose, not love. Natuarlly, they might be ignored since the sick child always got all the attention. I think it'd also be an interesting point to explore.
In my paper, I'll provide two real cases to discuss so as to make my papa more "tangible" ! Hahaha...It's not something happens in the sci-fi movie anyways (I just wanna point out that.)
alrite then, just hope you guys enjoy this topic as much as I do then! Hope we all have a nice one then!
Dear Bella,
It’s good to see you updated your blog.
Personally, I am very interested in your research paper topic. :D
Coz, I bought the book “My Sister’s Keeper”, too!
I just don’t get enough time to go through the whole book.
Maybe I can know more about designer baby from your paper.
Could you put your latest version of outline and RP introduction here for us to review?
Look forward to your responses!
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